Day 3:Wind Turbine Week for Ellen

Posted by on 24 Nov 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

These are BIIIG! (Note the person at the base.)

These are BIIIG! (Note the person at the base.)

Lakeshore Road, Clear Creek

Lakeshore Road, Clear Creek

At the end of the corn field behind the house where I'm staying, the shore of Lake Erie is rapidly eroding.

At the end of the corn field behind the house where I'm staying, the shore of Lake Erie is rapidly eroding.

Day 2:Wind Turbine Week for Ellen

Posted by on 23 Nov 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Today’s revelation: this morning, we drove around in my hostess’ Smart Car, getting even closer to one group of turbines. Because they’re so sleek, it’s hard to grasp their enormous size. Among the half a dozen or so turbines we could easily see at one point, one was right next to the road; we got out so I could photograph her standing next to it, to show scale. That involved a bit of walking around for me, to get far enough away to get the turbine from top to bottom, and to try for a nice angle. As soon as I was out of the car, I noticed a grating sound – a turbine rotating? Something in need of oil? That was irregular, and extremely unpleasant, in my view. Then, I recognized the rhythmic whooshing, not particularly loud to me, but inexorable. Astounding to me – walking back and forth the few hundred metres to get my photos, I found in some spots I could almost not hear any turbine sound at all, when, only a few steps later, it was very evident. If on one occasion, one person’s perceptions vary so very much, what a challenge it is to obtain information that respects individuals so as to meet the needs and wishes of all.

Day 1:Wind Turbine Week for Ellen

Posted by on 22 Nov 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Such a beautiful afternoon, so it was a lovely trip. Seeing so many big, beautiful evergreens surprised me. My favourite sign, spotted past Garnet: Radical Road – an apt theme for our energy policy needs.

Lakeshore Road is also aptly named. Today, Lake Erie was a hazy blur of no particular colour, but I’m told on some days, the U.S. is clearly visible. I also learned that it’s a very sharp drop down to the lake; descent on foot is possible, but only if one (goes with someone who) knows how.

My supper hostess – yummy cheese-fish chowder 🙂 – spoke right away of the low frequencies Daryl cited in his comment on my previous entry here.

One personal negative experience she noted: this year, for the first time, the pond on her property did not host any bullfrogs. The 18 Vestas 1.65 megawatt turbines in the immediate area got going about 18 months ago, so they didn’t affect the frogs’ development last year. I wonder what info is available about frog populations in other areas where turbines have been installed.

I’m now settling in to the home where I’ll be a guest for the week. My hostess says if I’m lucky enough to have the full experience, my bed will shake in the night!

Wind Turbine Week for Ellen

Posted by on 19 Nov 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Hello, everyone – Next week is Wind Turbine Week for me. I am due to spend the full week of November 22-28 just west of Long Point, staying 24/7 in the home of someone who lives near a large wind farm.

Both wind power, and local input into decisions with local impact, are very important to me.

I am one of the original members of WindShare, the co-op that installed the wind turbine at the C.N.E.

My enthusiasm for wind energy is tempered by my concern that people’s objections to turbine installations must be respectfully addressed.

A small group of people who live in the area west of Long Point firmly believe the turbines there are damaging their health. They have requested that someone from outside the community spend a minimum of a week there, full-time. I’ve volunteered.

Whether or not I find that the turbines affect me in any way while I am there, I am hoping to explore how the problem of local objections to them can be addressed. Residents in various areas of Ontario are objecting to wind farm installations. I fear we can’t maximize benefits from this technology without community co-operation.

Here and now, I send many thanks to the people who have invited me. I will be blogging on this page about my experiences. Best from Ellen

Global Day of Action On Climate Change, Saturday, October 24

Posted by on 20 Oct 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized


This coming Saturday, Toronto-area Green Party members are joining with to celebrate life and this planet we love, and to demand a good future for ourselves, our children, our communities, our grandchildren. You can take part in the global movement initiated by to press world leaders for the decisive action climate change demands.


World leaders are gathering in Copenhagen this December to negotiate a global agreement on climate change for the post-Kyoto period. The decisions they make will determine the world our children and grandchildren inherit. Failure to commit to the dramatic changes that science demands could leave a vastly impoverished planet this century, no longer able to sustain us all.

Emerging science indicates that the emissions reduction targets being discussed in Copenhagen are likely too weak, and Canada is proposing targets well short of this inadequate range. The Green Party of Canada is joining with Canadians to press our government for the commitments we need.

Now is the time for Canada to take responsibility.

What can we do? On October 24:

  • 2pm – Join Toronto Greens at the Rally for Climate Action in Queen’s Park organized by the Toronto Climate Campaign.
  • 4:30pm – Gather with Toronto Greens at O’Grady’s Tap & Grill, 171 College Street.
  • 6pm – Watch The Age of Stupid with U of T Greens at Sidney Smith Hall, room 2102, 100 St. George St. Buy a Green Party membership for $10 and see the movie free.

Please spread the word. Lots of participation will make a huge impact!

We have one Earth, for all of us to share. Help make October 24 a celebration of our Earth, now and for the future.

Josh Rachlis: Stand-up

Posted by on 29 Sep 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Green Party Candidates: International Day of Peace Mon. Sep. 21

Posted by on 13 Sep 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Meet Green Party candidates from all over the GTA, honouring the United Nations International Day of Peace, a global day for individuals, communities, nations, and governments to highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace.

Roberto Verdecchia, World March for Peace and Non-Violence, will outline Toronto’s participation.

7:30 p.m., Monday, September 21
C’est What, 67 Front Street East

Featuring Josh Rachlis, making you smile
Emceed by Chris Tindal

Free admission (order/pay for what you wish).
Donations to any candidate’s electoral district association, and to the Green Party of Canada, will be welcomed.

Speakers include:
Ellen Michelson, Toronto Centre
Debborah Donnelly, St. Paul’s
Stephen LaFrenie, Trinity-Spadina
Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, Toronto-Danforth
Paul Baker, Eglinton-Lawrence
Wayne Scott, Davenport
Stan Grizzle, Northumberland Quinte West
Sarah Newton, Parkdale-High Park
Ella Ng, Scarborough Centre
Yama Niwand, Willowdale
Kevin Smith, Pickering-Scarborough East
Avtaar Soor, Brampton West
Adam Tomlinson, Scarborough Southwest

Coffee Party: Two Women, Two Continents

Posted by on 07 Aug 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Adriane Carr, deputy leader, Green Party of Canada, and Flora Igoki Terah, founder, Terah Against Terror, will speak.

Adriane, from B.C., is travelling across Canada to converse with as many people as possible.  Flora’s organization, based in Nairobi, Kenya, campaigns to empower women and curb violence.

This event is free!

Contributions to the Green Party of Canada, Toronto Centre, are voluntary – and welcomed.

Flora will have her book available for purchase.

Sunday evening, August 16, 7:30 p.m.

Coffee, teas, home-baked cookies

Jim Stanford to speak – please join us.

Posted by on 08 Jul 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Jim Stanford, economist, Canadian Auto Workers, will present ideas from his book, Economics For Everyone, and lead a discussion about humanizing our economy.
This is a fundraiser for the Green Party of Canada, Toronto Centre, with an admission fee of $20.
Jim will have his books available for purchase.
It’s Wednesday evening, July 15, 7:30 p.m.
We’ll have coffee and teas, and Ellen’s home-baked cookies.

Ellen at Yonge and Bloor

Posted by on 03 Jun 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Ellen at Yonge and Bloor, June 3

Ellen at Yonge and Bloor, June 3, 2009

Elizabeth addresses CJC

Posted by on 31 May 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Ellen with Elizabeth May, Green Party leader, and Dr. Georgina Wilcock, Health Care Critic, at Canadian Jewish Congress, May 31

Ellen with Elizabeth May, Green Party leader, and Dr. Georgina Wilcock, Health Care Critic, at 29th Plenary, Canadian Jewish Congress, May 31, 2009

Green Party has better plan for cities, Miller says

Posted by on 17 Sep 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

John Stall and 680News staff Toronto | Tuesday, September 16th, 2008 9:27 am
Toronto – Toronto Mayor David Miller has not officially endorsed a political party so far in this federal election campaign, but he certainly seems pleased with what he is hearing from the Green Party.

He’s not endorsing the Green Party, but believes it has the best plan for the three things that cities need most: a new funding framework, a national transit strategy and one-cent from the GST to sustain infrastructure.

Miller said the Conservatives’ plan for cites is out-of-date, but also doesn’t think the traditional army of Liberal candidates that dominate the city should be automatically re-elected without an urban plan and commitment.


Posted by on 07 Sep 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Welcome to the official site of Ellen Michelson, nominated candidate, Green Party of Canada, Toronto Centre.

Ellen, campaign office opening, September 21st

Ellen, campaign office opening, September 21st

Ellen with previoius candidate Chris Tindal, Toronto Centre's Green Party candidate in the March 17 by-election, campaign office opening, September 21st

Ellen with previous Toronto Centre candidate Chris Tindal

Cabbagetown Festival Parade

Cabbagetown Festival Parade

Ellen with Elizabeth May, campaign train rally

Ellen with Elizabeth May, campaign train rally

Xtra community panel forum, Sep. 28

Xtra community panel forum, Sep. 28

Ellen with Susan Gapka, September 28

Ellen with Susan Gapka, September 28

Xtra community panel forum, Sep. 28

Xtra community panel forum, Sep. 28

Univ. of Toronto, pancake breakfast, Cat's Eye, Oct. 1

Univ. of Toronto, pancake breakfast, Cat's Eye, Oct. 1

Sunshine Walk, Queen's Park, Oct. 4

Sunshine Walk, Queen's Park

Saturday Night Love, Oct. 4

Saturday Night Love, Oct. 4

Green Party volunteer Sibyl Likely, Fred Victor Centre, Oct. 9

Green Party volunteer Sibyl Likely, Fred Victor Centre, Oct. 9

Green Party volunteer Sibyl Likely, Fred Victor Centre, Oct. 9

Green Party volunteer Sibyl Likely, Fred Victor Centre, Oct. 9

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