March 2012

Monthly Archive

Toronto Centre Greens AGM Tues. April 3

Posted by on 27 Mar 2012 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

7 p.m., 140 Carlton Street, party room (main floor)

Did you know? Toronto Centre is the name of our riding, both federally and provincially. EDA stands for Electoral District Association. That’s the term for the group of Green Party of Canada members who live in a specific riding. CA stands for Constituency Association, the term for the group of Green Party of Ontario members who live in a specific riding. Our meeting is efficiently Green – it’s combining our EDA & CA annual general meetings.

All are welcome. To vote, you need to be a member for at least 30 days before the meeting. EDA & CA memberships are separate – you can be a member of either or both. You can join or renew online. links: and
Memberships will be available at the meeting. Lapsed members (membership ended less than one year ago) can renew at the meeting and vote.

Consider standing for an executive position to help build our riding associations and promote Green Party policies. Positions are elected at every AGM & include the following.
EDA (federal): Chief Executive Officer; Financial Agent; Secretary; Membership, Fundraising, Organizing & Communication Chairs; Member-at-large (up to 4)
CA (provincial): President; Chief Financial Officer; Secretary; Membership, Communications, Fundraising & Youth Chairs
more info:

Our meeting will feature snacks by chef par excellence Mark Daye, our candidate in the recent provincial election and now GPO Shadow Cabinet critic for Community & Social Services. While munching, you’ll be able to learn a little more about my Ottawa experiences than you can read on my blogs below – there’ll be a brief slide/sound show. A short chat about Ottawa was part of the original meeting plans, but then a new grandchild arrived early, so I’ll be out of town, with him and his parents.

Please come – there just might be some baby photos …

From My Desk On The Hill-Views from Centre Block

Posted by on 17 Mar 2012 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

All are from the front steps – facing straight ahead (south), toward West Block, and toward East Block.

Regular meetings of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development’s Subcommittee on International Human Rights brought me to Centre Block, as did two luncheons Elizabeth hosted in the dining room, the press conference for the bill on establishing a Canadian Department of Peace … and Question Period.

The nuclear disarmament forum described below took place in East Block, where Sir John A.’s office is still maintained. His desk, as seen these days, is laden!

The little bus in the Centre Block photo is one of a fleet, circulating constantly around the federal government buildings on and near The Hill. The wait for one is never long. The buses are mostly green – nice to learn that green is the traditional colour for the House of Commons. Everyone’s so companionable, the short rides are a pleasure, but I almost always walked. My quick jaunts in the brisk air were invigorating.

looking south from Centre Block, showing green bus & city view

Behind the green bus is the path up to Centre Block from Wellington Street.

Just beyond West Block, across Bank Street, is the Confederation Building, where Elizabeth's office is located.

Some of the elaborate figures on the Centre Block building are visible on both this photo and the one above.