
This coming Saturday, Toronto-area Green Party members are joining with 350.org to celebrate life and this planet we love, and to demand a good future for ourselves, our children, our communities, our grandchildren. You can take part in the global movement initiated by 350.org to press world leaders for the decisive action climate change demands.


World leaders are gathering in Copenhagen this December to negotiate a global agreement on climate change for the post-Kyoto period. The decisions they make will determine the world our children and grandchildren inherit. Failure to commit to the dramatic changes that science demands could leave a vastly impoverished planet this century, no longer able to sustain us all.

Emerging science indicates that the emissions reduction targets being discussed in Copenhagen are likely too weak, and Canada is proposing targets well short of this inadequate range. The Green Party of Canada is joining with Canadians to press our government for the commitments we need.

Now is the time for Canada to take responsibility.

What can we do? On October 24:

  • 2pm – Join Toronto Greens at the 350.org Rally for Climate Action in Queen’s Park organized by the Toronto Climate Campaign.
  • 4:30pm – Gather with Toronto Greens at O’Grady’s Tap & Grill, 171 College Street.
  • 6pm – Watch The Age of Stupid with U of T Greens at Sidney Smith Hall, room 2102, 100 St. George St. Buy a Green Party membership for $10 and see the movie free.

Please spread the word. Lots of participation will make a huge impact!

We have one Earth, for all of us to share. Help make October 24 a celebration of our Earth, now and for the future.