Here are just some of the people who are enthusiastic about Ellen Michelson’s campaign!


“The Green Party’s success in Canada will be our success in Kenya, too.  The Green Party of Canada includes great women who truly understand and focus on global issues.”
Flora Igoki Terah, candidate for Parliament, 2007, Kenya, and founder, Terah Against Terror

“Ellen, I feel better about the up-coming election just knowing that someone with your evident integrity and seriousness is running. May your success be resounding.”
Martha Baillie, novelist and librarian

“Ellen Michelson is a hard-working Green candidate worth looking at in the next election, if the traditional way is not your way!”
Samuel Getachew, social and political activist and media commentator

“I have known Ellen Michelson for over fifteen years. Her intelligence, passion, and knowledge of the issues will make her a great M.P. for Toronto Centre.”
Andrew Filipiuk, V.P., Investment Advisor, National Bank Financial

“I got to know Ellen when she was the OSSTF Central Technical School representative.  She worked tirelessly to ensure that the staff was well informed about the issues of the day.  She created a climate of respect during difficult times.  She has always been driven by the belief in the importance of building communities.”
Earl Manners, Former President, OSSTF

“Ellen Michelson has a long record of positive humane service to varied people at risk.”
Dennis Magill, Centre for Urban Health Initiatives, University of Toronto

“From humanitarian work around the world to Toronto Centre, she’s a worker and a fighter. She’d do us proud.”
Barry Wellman, Director, Netlab, University of Toronto

Phil Gillies, former Progressive Conservative Provincial Cabinet Minister

“I’m very excited that Ellen Michelson is representing the Green party in this election. She is hard working and full of energy and dedication. Ellen is the best choice for Toronto Centre and for Canada–we’d be lucky to have her as our Member of Parliament.”
Chris Tindal, former Toronto Centre Green candidate

“Ellen Michelson has seen the scale of the global environmental challenge first-hand. Her extensive overseas experience and educational duties have brought the issues of climate change and poverty into sharp focus.”
L.S. Bourne, Professor, Planning and Geography, University of Toronto

Below are comments posted on the earlier, election-time, Contact Us, Get Involved page.
F. David Rounthwaite (5 May 2011): I was so impressed when the Green signs on my house at Carlton and Sackville were removed so promptly after the election – before dawn on the 3rd. An elegant, thoughtful and professional conclusion to a very creditable campaign.

Allan Penning (1 May 2011): Dear Ellen, Just a quick note to let you know I will be voting for you tomorrow. You were one of the few to contact us through the entire election so I appreciate the effort to reach out and include us in our riding. I am sorry we were not aware of any candidates meetings but I hope in future we will be notified. Wishing you luck at the polls tomorrow.

Anton Kuerti (1 October 2008): I have already voted for you, and wish you the best of luck. Actually, I think the Liberal green tax proposal is a step in the right direction…
I am recommending This website analyzes each riding and estimates which candidate has the best prospect of defeating the Tories, whose environmental record is beyond appaling. (Not to mention their disdain for the arts….) It is tragic that the Liberals, NDP, Greens, CAP, Council of Canadians and the Bloc cannot cooperate to stop the obscenity of some 39% of the voting populace prevailing over the true majority represented by the rest of us.
Perhaps this website can help force a reluctant coalition of the many who would like to see meaningful action on the environment and so many other crucial issues.