Here’s the Green Party of Canada’s notice about our candidate search. This time I will not be seeking nomination, am very much looking forward to being active in our upcoming campaign.

Hello Toronto Centre GPC member:
We urgently need your help. The by-election to replace our current M.P., who has resigned, must be held by mid-February, and could now be called at any time. As result, on August 21, the Green Party of Canada’s Campaign Committee declared Electoral Urgency for Toronto Centre.
The Green Party in Toronto Centre is getting ready. That means staying connected with our network of supporters, and planning our election campaign. Green results in all of our most recent federal elections have been impressive, and we have great potential to do even better this time. Discussions in anticipation of this campaign already began at our AGM in June, and yielded volunteer commitments from attendees, both longstanding members and new.
Our candidates come via our members, so we need you to identify a candidate for your riding. Here’s how you can help now:
• consider being a candidate yourself
• think about people you already know in the riding who would make great Green MPs
• think about green people who are active in the riding – maybe you’ve seen their names in a community newspaper, or they’re visible through involvement in business, volunteer work, schools, churches, non-profit groups, women’s organizations. Retirees make great candidates – they have time, networks and life experience.
• forward the names of potential candidates, and their phone numbers if you have them.

Please see below for contact information. We can do the asking! This is what makes a good candidate:
• active in the community
• green-thinking and understands the issues
• wants to make a difference
• articulate and personable
• prepared to put in several months of campaigning, including evenings and weekends
• ideally lives in the riding

Nominations will close at midnight on Wednesday, August 28. Then, Green Party members in Toronto Centre will hear from me as to the resulting next steps. This promises to be an exciting and rewarding time for the Toronto Centre Greens!

Membership: You must be a member of the Green Party of Canada and a resident of Toronto Centre to vote in a nomination meeting for the riding. If your membership has lapsed or will expire soon, please consider renewing it online at, or phone at 1-866-868-3447.

Please contact me for more information, or to send names of potential candidates. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kindest Regards,
Rebecca Harrison, Senior Organizer, Green Party of Canada
905-999-5479 (local call from Toronto)