Ontario RD
Posted by admin on 30 Aug 2019 at 08:10 am | Tagged as: Uncategorized
![Professional Writers Association of Canada logo](https://ellenmichelson.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/PWAClogoCMYK-hi-res-850x326-1024x392.jpg)
Doreen Pendgracs, recently elected president of the Professional Writers Association of Canada, emailed me a week or so ago, asking if I’d fill a vacancy on the board.
(Yummy aside here: most PWAC members have specialties. Doreen’s is chocolate! https://chocolatour.net/ )
Back to PWAC: although I’ve been a member for more than thirty years, I was awed and terrified by Doreen’s request. Support from my predecessor, details from our past president … emails reassured me, useful docs attached enlightened me. My appointment as regional director for Ontario became official during our board meeting yesterday evening, a virtual meeting because our organization stretches across the country. I’m honoured to be able to give back to the association that gave me so much throughout my active days as a freelance writer. Adventure awaits.
Welcome aboard, Ellen! I’m thrilled to have another “senior” member (in terms of experience in PWAC, and in life) on the board. We’re an interesting and enthusiastic group, and I know you’ll be a tremendous asset.
Thanks so much, Kathe.
How exciting it is to have you on the board, Ellen. I think we have a terrific team assembled to represent PWAC across the country. I’m sure you’ll do a great job in representing Ontario, the region with the biggest membership, so it is a very important job indeed. Looking forward to the future we will carve together. And thanks for the shout-out for my site. The next time I see you, there will be some chocolate involved. 🙂
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, a great team, and chocolate makes everything better.