Posted by on 16 Nov 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

2011 Toronto Centre EDA exec

Toronto Centre's new executive, elected at our March 2, 2011 AGM (l to r): Mike Singer, , Ellen Michelson, Mark Daye, Bill Michelson

Toronto Centre Federal Green Party AGM
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The 519 Community Centre, 519 Church Street
6:30-8 p.m.

Please plan to attend.

We will be presenting a new constitution for membership approval,
electing our executive for the coming year.

Click Continue Reading to see our constitution draft. Please post comments. Continue Reading »

Human Books, available for borrowing, Sat. Nov. 6

Posted by on 31 Oct 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Ellen will be one of the ‘human books’ available at five Toronto Public Library branches on Saturday, November 6, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. More than 50 ‘human books’ will be available. You can reserve a half-hour, on-the-spot chat with one in advance, by contacting the library by telephone or on line. You can come to a participating branch on Saturday to sign out others for dialogues. And through the TPL website, you can apply to be a 2011 human book.

Ellen will be at the Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, a block north of Bloor. The library has chosen to focus on her membership in the Raging Grannies, her time working in Greenland, and her participation in the first Canada Corps mission to Ukraine’s Orange Revolution presidential election in 2004. She’ll talk about any of that with you, or just about anything else you’d like to discuss.

Please join Ellen on Sun. Oct. 31.

Posted by on 27 Oct 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

United Mothers Opposing Violence Everywhere
Walk to Dundas Square begins at Queen’s Park, 1pm.
This year’s theme is “Who will fill these shoes?” so please bring along a pair of running shoes to honour loved ones lost to violence. (You may donate the shoes or take them home again.)

UMOVE rally, Oct. 31, 2010, Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto

UMOVE rally, Oct. 31, 2010, Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto

Cabbagetown Parade & Festival :-)

Posted by on 30 Aug 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

The parade is Saturday morning, Sep. 11.
All are welcome to come walk with us.
Meet on Parliament, between Howard (1 s. of Bloor) & Wellesley, in Section C (look for the sign/ask a marshall), 9:15/9:30 a.m. If you wish, you can pedal your bicycle in the parade.
We’ll have a booth in front of #548 Parliament Street, Saturday & Sunday afternoons, Sep. 11 & 12.
Come early for your own personalized made-while-you-wait Green Party button.
We’ll have Green Party info to share. There’ll be plenty of time for good conversation.
Memberships will be available: $10/year, $25 for 3 years.
We’re eager to meet you and learn what’s on your mind.

GreatGreenGroup, Cabbagetown Parade, Sep. 11, 2010

GreatGreenGroup, Cabbagetown Parade, Sep. 11, 2010

Cabbagetown Festival Parade, Sep. 12, 2009

Cabbagetown Festival Parade, Sep. 12, 2009

It’s the Green Party, and you’re invited!

Posted by on 12 Jul 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized


Green Party of Canada
National Convention and Pre-Convention Events, Toronto

Everyone is welcome.

August 20-22, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front Street West

Welcome opening: First Nations Elder Ernie Sandy

Featuring: Elizabeth May, national leader, Green Party of Canada
Ilona Dougherty, co-founder, Apathy is Boring
Don Drummond, TD Bank: the green economy
Community outreach panelists from around the world
Rob Faust, Faustwork Mask Theatre
Green Lifestyle Show
Young Greens
Ralph Benmergui, MC, and Adriane Carr, Green Party of Canada Deputy Leader: fundraiser

Pre-convention events, Hart House, University of Toronto
Climate Change Green Summit, August 13-15
International Affairs/Peacekeeping, August 16
Democracy & Women Leaders, August 18
Green Economy with Frank De Jong, August 19

More info: greenparty.ca
Group rate reduction available.

Sunday in the Park

Posted by on 05 Jul 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Pride Toronto 2010

Posted by on 27 Jun 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Forsythia & St. James Town Festivals

Posted by on 26 May 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Forsythia Festival, Wellesley Park, May 2, 2010

St. James Town Parade, Saturday, June 5, starts at 10 a.m.!
See you there!

Black History Month Event: Sunday, February 28

Posted by on 21 Feb 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Black Daddies Club is hosting The Importance of Fathers Parenting
(open to the public and free)
at the Onyx Barbershop, 219A Yonge St. (near Shuter), noon to 3:30 p.m.

screening of 2 films: Forgotten and More Than A Haircut

Brandon Hay, Executive Director, Black Daddies Club, notes,
“BDC feels the community needs to start knowing what our constituents stand for and also for these constituents to find out the needs of the community. Ellen has told BDC that the Green Party of Canada has some interesting developments that she would like to share with the community in terms of parenting. BDC does not endorse the Green Party; however, BDC believes in the power of voting. Unfortunately not enough of the black community is exercising their right to vote and BDC wants to change that.”

Ellen with Brandon Hay, E.D., Black Daddies Club, & Nigel Barriffe, Green Party of Canada nominated candidate, Etobicoke North, Feb. 28, 2010

Ellen with Brandon Hay, E.D., Black Daddies Club, & Nigel Barriffe, Green Party of Canada nominated candidate, Etobicoke North, Feb. 28, 2010

February 25 – Please Come!

Posted by on 21 Feb 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Click on the above image to read the details.

Click on the above image to read the details.

新年快乐 Happy New Year!

Posted by on 12 Feb 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized


Posted by on 06 Jan 2010 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

What: Toronto Centre Federal Green Party Electoral District Association AGM
When: Friday, February 5, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
Where: The 519 Church Street Community Centre

Please come help us review our 2009 successes, and plan for our future.

All members are encouraged to consider volunteering to fill one of our association’s executive positions. They include the following.
Chief Executive Officer
Financial Agent
Membership Chair
Fundraising Chair
Organizing Chair
Communications Chair
up to 5 Members at Large

If you are interested in volunteering, please email one of the following.
miller.cameron@rogers.com (our current Financial Agent)
rebecca.harrison@greenparty.ca (Ontario Organizer, Southwest Region)
voteellen@greenparty.ca (Ellen Michelson, our current nominated candidate)

Anyone is welcome to attend;  you must be a paid-up member of the Green Party of Canada, and a Toronto Centre resident, to run for a position or to vote.  If you are a lapsed member, you are welcome to renew at the meeting to re-acquire voting privileges.

We’re hoping to see you on Friday, February 5!

Day 7:Final Day, Wind Turbine Week for Ellen

Posted by on 29 Nov 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I’m glad I did this. Meeting people who are experiencing the downside of wind power has taught me some important points which will help me direct my enthusiasm for wind energy in future.

What I did for my time in Clear Creek was in fact a respected form of research. I did not ask a large group of people the same questions and then crunch the numbers representing their answers. Nor was I a participant-observer, because I did not keep track of what I learned while simultaneously living as the local residents do. I’m not employed in Norfolk County, nor was I living there as, for example, a stay-at-home parent or a retiree. I didn’t shop locally – my hostess cooked up a storm every day. What I did was qualitative, contextual research.

Here are some highlights of what I learned.

Local control and local benefit are missing. The Clear Creek residents I met explained that a multinational corporation owns the turbines, which are controlled remotely in the U.S.; 75% of the profits leave Canada. A believer in local community resiliency, I find this tough to take. And in this context, it would be interesting to know the nature and extent of any Canadian federal, provincial and/or local subsidies and/or grants that have been provided, and to whom.

People’s lives have been changed in a number of ways. Just one example: the immediate area has long been known as a route for migratory birds. Sometimes, huge numbers have settled briefly on the cropped corn stubble, picking over kernels left behind. Now, residents who say watching the birds fly over had long been a personal pleasure report that they see birds approach overhead, then turn back to fly elsewhere.

Area residents have formed a group, Norfolk Victims of Industrial Wind Turbines; members communicate with Wind Concerns Ontario, which connects similar groups in other areas of the province. Some area residents don’t participate because they approve of the turbines, or have no opinion, as they feel no ill effects personally. Others refuse to participate even though, privately, they cite negative experiences since the turbines began rotating a year ago, in November, 2008.

These ill effects include headaches, dizziness (in some cases leading to falling), impaired hearing, a feeling of stuffy ears and/or pressure, sleep disturbances, feeling tired, and difficulty concentrating and maintaining one’s train of thought. How did I feel? I slept wonderfully, never felt dizzy. Forthcoming residents noted that their problems did not develop immediately after the turbines were turned on last year, and that it took each of them a while to wonder whether the turbines might be causing their problems. We all realized that the day mid-week when the turbines were still, because there wasn’t any noticeable wind, meant whatever I might be experiencing would be perforce less cumulative.

For some of yesterday, I had a headache. That highlighted the research challenge. Was it a low pressure weather system? Or was I a little carsick? Might I be reacting to a visit to a neighbour who lives in a lovely hollow, where the turbine effect is said to be different? Or had the low-frequency vibrations started affecting me? Without proper measurement and recording, we can’t know the answer.

And then there’s the power of suggestion. Both yesterday and today, a few times my ears felt plugged up, briefly. Ordinarily, if that happened (and it has), I’d think, “Hmmm … it’ll likely go away in a minute,” (and it has). There, I thought, “Hmmm … the turbines?”

Some research has been done. Careful, thorough research on specific concerns that have developed in areas with industrial turbines installed is needed, and designing reliable studies that will be useful in making public policy decisions will not be easy. One particular challenge, one that public policy-makers don’t often deal with well, is evaluating and coping fairly and responsibly with unintended consequences.

We were all up plenty close and personal with these behemoths. Someone asked me if I’d touched one. That had never occurred to me. On the way home, I got out of the car and did so, noticing that I heard the rhythmic whooshing everywhere nearby, but not directly under the turning blades. Through my hand on the column, I definitely felt small, rapid vibrations, not at all the same speed as the blades.

Finally, just one of my hostess’s delicious recipes: mix plain yogurt with cut-up seasonal fruit (unpeeled apples and pears, halved fresh mandarin orange sections, banana chunks); top with large-flake oats and dried cranberries.

Day 6:Wind Turbine Week for Ellen

Posted by on 27 Nov 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Clear Creek: not a beaver dam, a collection made by erosion

Clear Creek: not a beaver dam, a collection made by erosion

at a Lakeshore Road home, Lake Erie behind me, showing one of the Vestas turbines between the buildings

at a Lakeshore Road home, Lake Erie behind me, showing one of the Vestas turbines between the buildings

Day 5:Wind Turbine Week for Ellen-Danger in Distraction?

Posted by on 26 Nov 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

One neighbour chats with every new acquaintance for a bit, then asks if he might request co-operation in talking about the turbines. Like most people he meets, I agree. He then continues to chat, while swinging his forearm around in a slow, regular circle, not very close to me, not directly in front of my face, but definitely in view. He keeps doing it, doing it, doing it… He farms a large number of acres hereabouts, notes he finds operating a combine under this repetitive shadow distracting. Seems to me it could be downright dangerous.

He doesn’t fancy the shadow when it crosses his kitchen table, either. I wondered about that, given the height of a turbine in relation to its setback. Then I realized that in our part of the world, the sun is rarely overhead, so a turbine’s shadow can be much longer than its height.

Details like these are best learned on the spot – I’m glad I’m here.

Day 4:Wind Turbine Week for Ellen-Home Alone

Posted by on 25 Nov 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Today, my hostess had tasks in town. When she’s been here, she’s driven me around the area, past each and every turbine, and has hosted neighbours who’ve also shared their experiences and views. I’ve welcomed her generosity, and all the information; today, I’ve had the chance for a little mid-week reflection and assessment.

By myself, when it’s quiet, I can hear the turbines. I hear a regular, rather high-pitched, very quiet clanking. I checked its rhythm with the pace of the rotating blades I can see; they match. And the rhythm I hear is not the same as the rhythm of the kitchen fan I see rotating above the fireplace.

Yesterday, many of the turbines were still, as there was little or no wind. Today, I woke to rain; then the sun came out. Next, it clouded over, then hard rain and wind developed, lasted briefly – I can’t hear the turbines through that. The turbines are still spinning slowly; I understand there’s a fixed maximum, no matter how strong the winds.

Conversation, TV, kitchen activity, all drown out the turbine rhythm for me. I can’t hear the turbines when the fridge motor is running, or when it’s sunny and windy outdoors and I’m inside. The only noise here I ever find annoying is the electronic peeping that indicates someone’s in the garage. My personal sound perception, I want to emphasize, in no way negates the possibility of low-frequency vibration, of great concern to some – not all – the people in this area.

There are not very many homeowners who live around here. Some of the farmers live elsewhere, and some of the farm workers are not permanent residents, and live in trailers. There are also people in various other professions, and some retirees.

Anyone who hosts a turbine receives rental payment for the land it’s on. Of those being paid, most are either content to stay or are able to rent out their land. I’m told that in Europe, those paid include anyone who can see a turbine from home. Those who believe they are suffering negative effects acknowledge these aren’t universal; payment to all in view of any turbines would mean a better market for those who feel the need to move.

Now, everyone here is, to one extent or another, trapped. That the turbines are automated, with final control wired to a California location, exacerbates concerns. People here feel response to any specifics – e.g. a single squeaky turbine – is slow-to-nonexistent.

There are now many turbines along and near the Lake Erie shore. It took a number of years for the Erie Shores Wind Farm, the turbines I’m now near, to get going. At http://www.erieshores.ca are some details about the history, government policies, and installation. AIM PowerGen Corporation has erected 18 Vestas turbines in the groupings called Clear Creek, Cultus, and Frogmore, (6 turbines each) around Clear Creek and in the immediate area north and east of it, and 20 General Electric/General Electric Canada turbines from Jacksonburg, just west of Clear Creek, to Elgin County Road 55, a stretch of about ten kilometres. AIM has since been acquired by International Power plc; their Canadian website is ‘under construction’.

At first, the turbine plans were greeted with favour around here, if not total enthusiasm. As one who thinks they’re graceful, and finds watching their gentle spinning induces meditative relaxation, I can nonetheless understand how others might find them a visually-polluting blight. It’s personal – I think cellular telephone towers are hideously ugly, and attempts to mask them (I’ve seen a flagpole! and an impossibly enormous plastic pine tree!) hilarious.

The turbines have been rotating here for about 18 months. Now, those who have perceived and reported ill effects feel ignored, abandoned, of little consequence. They are very upset. Some cite hearing loss, and constant exhaustion and difficulty concentrating, and/or various sorts of pain and discomfort. As well, people here point to two suicides, and a recent miscarriage at four months.

That it is impossible to know whether any of this is in fact turbine-caused is perhaps the point. We don’t know precisely because nobody has made the effort to find out. Those who feel affected cite research elsewhere which supports their concerns, but those in any position to address these concerns are not responding. The ethical importance of respecting and addressing individuals’ concerns should not require reminders.

One direct cause of the problem may be the funding structure for the turbines. Evidently, only 25% of the profit stream is staying in Canada. Who set things up like that? It would seem to be a terrible precedent not only for Canadian energy independence but also for local sustainability.

People here describe themselves as having a culture of not complaining, feel they’re only opening their mouths now because they’ve been pushed hard. They believe in democracy, and saying one’s piece.

There is a time when challenging is crucial. We cannot solve our energy problems either by rejecting wind out-of-hand, or by riding roughshod over anyone who seems to perceive ill effects from the technology.

Local control would help. In some places in Europe, I’m told, one or more turbines that e.g. affect sleep, or are noisier when the wind comes from a particular direction, can be shut off for a period by those closest. Keeping profits at home would seem axiomatic.

More careful positioning would make a difference. The ones here were erected before the Ontario Green Energy Act’s 550-metre setback was initiated; some are closer. One is in fact sufficiently close to Lake Erie that the rapid shore erosion may threaten it within a few years. People here advocate relating setback to the number and size of turbines in an area. It is felt here that the western group of turbines was sited more kindly than the eastern group. This is not at all evident from the map showing 30 in the western area, of which 20 have been erected; on-the-ground details make a difference. Locating a group of turbines may well be no small challenge in our landscape, with farmhouses spaced widely, each on its own land, rather than grouped in settlements, as in some farming areas in other countries.

Some research has already given useful results, more would be welcome, but waiting for the perfect study that will give us all the info we need is fruitless. We already know that the longer the power lines from source to use, the more power is lost, which means we need generation as close to end users as possible. One solution proposed for separating people and turbines, yet having them close enough to avoid too much transmission-line loss, is offshore turbines. People here wonder about research on long-term effects on water life, such as fish. Another issue is size: the turbines I’m now near are newer and larger than many that have been relied on for years: is there a healthy maximum we’ve exceeded? And developing any and all sorts of responsible grid improvement methods would be welcome.

Meanwhile, perhaps the beneficiaries of the power being generated here can consider some sort of no-fault, one-time-only compensation to the local residents who are suffering. The precautionary principle is an appropriate basis. One possibility is payment; another is support for research into mitigation methods. Consensus-building would result in a mutually-agreeable plan. This would set a responsible example, demonstrating how the needs of all of us for clean energy cannot be met at the expense of ill effects for some of us. In favour of settlement of some kind – that so few are negatively affected means the negotiation procedure would be unlikely to be onerous, and the cost would be relatively small. And it would set a worthy precedent for the need to factor adverse effects into cost estimates for future projects.

All of this needs to be in an energy efficiency context. All environmentally-responsible energy sources need to be utilized. I’ve learned about an initiative the Norfolk Victims of Industrial Wind Turbines recommend. Solar film on rooftops, I’m told, has an enviable performance record in places both more and less sunny than here; installing it would mean green jobs and long-term benefits.

And here’s the last concern I’ll broach for today. Some of those objecting to wind power say they’d rather live near a nuclear power plant. They are willing to trade the possibility of a life-ending nuclear accident for the certainty they feel of ongoing health damage. These people believe many wind power opponents become perforce nuclear power supporters.

Pitting supporters of one energy source against those for another is not the way to address our need for clean energy. I’ll be clear: I myself oppose nuclear power. In my view, the fiduciary irresponsibility government after government has shown is reason enough to fear taking that path once again. And people who point out that the wind doesn’t always blow, the sun doesn’t always shine, don’t seem to be aware of management possibilities, and don’t remember that other energy sources have proven less than reliable. Because nuclear power has set a precedent of irresponsibility doesn’t mean we should perpetuate and expand our irresposibility to other energy sources. We can develop wind power productively and respectfully. Let’s.

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